I’m excited to tell you that my astrology and parenting books are now on audiobook exclusively with Audible!
You can get the audiobooks at the links below:
To listen to free audio samples click below:
Your Scorpio Child A Guide For Parents Sample
Both of these books were extremely personal for me. Scorpio and Gemini are probably the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. The key to connecting with the Scorpio and Gemini children in your life is to understand and honor (not repress!) their innate characteristics.
My goal is to help parents work with their children’s Scorpio and Gemini energy to have stronger parent-child relationships and more peaceful households.
Praise for Your Scorpio Child
Talented astrologer Maria Riegger has given Scorpio parents a plethora of helpful information in such an interesting way. Her writing style is fun and easy to follow. She shares her knowledge in an interesting, informative way. For every parent raising a Scorpio child, this book is a “must have.”
–Author Laney Smith
Praise for Your Gemini Child
“Your Gemini Child” is a comprehensive, easy to read assessment of how to understand and parent a Gemini child. It is packed full of great information, teachings, tips, and examples for how to navigate and nurture this busy energy. And the chapter summaries that wrap up each piece of exploration with concrete dos and don’ts for parents is super helpful. This is an excellent handbook for anyone raising a child with heavy Gemini energy in their Natal Astrology chart.
-Astrologer and Parenting Expert Dominique Jaramillo
Click the links below to get the audiobooks: