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Flash fiction: A Scorpio is always searching for more than a feeling

May 7, 2018

Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash

You are gravely misunderstood, Mr. Scorpio. You do not seek mere physical gratification. Rather, you seek transendence. To invade someone’s soul, to transform it and be yourself transformed.

Your goal is difficult because most people are closed up and closed off, locked up tight, unwilling to be vulnerable and risk themselves. And they are not wrong, because the transformation that you offer is far from comfortable. It comes from the life/death force, and many are repelled by that. Instead, they want to pretend that they will never die, that they have all the time in the world.

Your goal is too serious, too weighed down. It is a pity, really, because those who chase the third martini, the brief release, only to push it away, just to repeat it the next day, they fail to realize what is at stake. To be reborn with your assistance, to face their fears and all their shortcomings, those skeletons in the closet, while painful and soul-gutting, forces them to fight for their own souls on a plane where everyone else is chasing only what their egos want. While wounding, after that process is done they will feel nothing short of alive amid an ocean of walking corpses.

And make no mistake, Mr. Scorpio. The person who chooses to fight for his or her soul by your side, after the transformation is complete, that person will be able to do anything.


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Published inFlash Fiction


  1. As a Libra, I have difficulty dealing with Scorpio. I appreciate companionship and dread conflct, however, I do not appreciate attempts to transform me from the calm, mild-manner, person I strive to be. Unfortunately, trying to change me is a source of conflict and to be avoided.
    Interestingly enough, I married a Capricorn and are still married after 44 years. So much for astrological compatibility charts.

    • Maria Riegger Maria Riegger

      Very interesting! Astrologers would say that, to look at compatibility, you need to look at sun signs, moon signs, and rising signs (among other things, but those are the big 3). The moon sign especially is what you can live with. I’m a Capricorn moon, we can be hardheaded but also try to be reasonable and dependable. People with a lot of air in their charts (Libra is an air sign), typically do not do well with Scorpios. Scorpios are known to be (I’m going to stereotype here) secretive, jealous, and vengeful. They are also extremely loyal, and they feel everything very deeply. And yes, they are about transformation. It’s a lot for air signs to deal with. My sun sign is an air sign, so I definitely understand that.

      Libra is relationship-oriented, diplomatic, and yes, hates conflict. They like to keep the peace.

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