Today I’m sharing with you Kindlepreneur’s list of 127+ best free and paid promo sites. This is a great place to start when you are considering booking promos for your current books as well as for your backlist.
Take the time to look through the list to see which promo sites fit your genre. You can also use this list together with the lists of free and paid promo sites I’ve provided on this blog. To get the curated lists I’ve compiled, just click here for the free sites and here for the paid sites.
Always do your own research on these sites and talk to other authors who have used them. This list is an excellent starting point to see where to market your books.
To get Kindlepreneur’s list of 127+ free and paid promo sites, click here. And note that there are two separate lists. One for free promotion sites and one for paid promotion sites.
Happy Promoting!
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